
Aim: This research endeavors to examine the fundamental factors driving consumer preferences and actions concerning Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) in Bangalore City. It seeks to assess the impact of demographic variables, health perspectives, and brand recognition on consumer choices and behavior toward VCO.
 Study Design: A quantitative, descriptive research design.
 Place and Duration of Study: The research was carried out in Bangalore City, during June and July of 2023. The primary data were collected from a random sample of Sixty respondents.
 Methodology: A diverse group of participants were surveyed, spanning different age groups, educational backgrounds, and occupations. The survey encompassed aspects such as age, gender, education, occupation, income, and family size. Conjoint analysis facilitated the measurement of attribute importance scores, providing insights into consumer preferences for factors including price, brand, and health benefits.
 Results: Analysis of the collected data unveiled noteworthy trends The majority of the respondents (61.7%) were males, and a significant proportion (43.3%) held master's degrees. Employed individuals constituted the largest occupation category (58%). Conjoint analysis revealed that health benefits held the highest importance score (39.979), followed by price (37.011) and brand (23.010).
 Conclusion: This study accentuates the pronounced role of health benefits in driving consumer choices regarding VCO. The findings illuminated the demographics of VCO consumers in Bangalore City and emphasize the need for targeted marketing strategies aligned with health-conscious consumer preferences. Insights gained from this research can significantly guide product development and branding initiatives, fostering a competitive advantage in this potential market. Further exploration and validation of these predictors are warranted to enhance the efficacy of marketing strategies and cater effectively to the evolving consumer landscape.

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