
Patients who had undergone gastric resection are considered to be high risk of developing tuberculosis. We investigated the factors leading to pulmonary tuberculosis after gastrectomy. We retrospectively examined 654 pulmonary tuberculosis patients discharged from Chiba-East National Hospital from January 1999 to December 2001. Fifty-five patients (31-84 years old, mean 63.5 +/- 12.5 years, 48 males and 7 females) had the history of gastric resection. The proportion of patients receiving gastrectomy among patients with pulmonary tuberculosis was 8.4 percent. The mean age of patients received gastric resection was 50.2 +/- 16.6 years, and the mean interval from gastrectomy to the development of pulmonary tuberculosis was 13.6 +/- 11.0 years. On admission to our hospital, 34 out of 55 cases were smear positive by sputum examination for acid-fast bacilli and 39 cases had cavitary lesions on chest X-ray. Gastrectomy was done due to carcinoma of the stomach in 31 cases, peptic ulcer in 21 cases, adenomatous polyp in two cases, and accidental injury in one case. Out of total 55 cases, 52 patients improved, but three cases died of pulmonary tuberculosis. None had the recurrence of carcinoma of the stomach. Body weight, Body mass index, Prognostic nutritional index (PNI; 10 x serum albumin concentration + 0.005 x peripheral lymphocyte count) which was proposed by Onodera, serum albumin level and serum total cholesterol level were lower in the gastrectomy group than in the non-gastrectomy group. The odds ratio of developing tuberculosis among gastrectomy patients compared with the appropriate controls in 30 to 59 year-old-men was 3.8. This study confirms that gastrectomy is one of the risk factors of developing tuberculosis in 30 to 59 year-old-men. However, whether gastrectomy in itself is a risk factor or whether it is secondarily associated with another risk factor such as underweight status and/or inadequate nutrition following surgery remains unclear.

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