
With the aim of highlighting both the benefits and inherent challenges that peer teaching in educational contexts brings, this study investigates the complicated topic of peer teaching. Through a careful review of the body of research and empirical evidence, we explore how peer teaching impacts learners’ cognitive, social, and emotional development. Better academic outcomes, more self-esteem, and the growth of critical interpersonal skills are all benefits. Also covered in the study are the challenges of peer teaching, including issues with power dynamics, knowledge gaps, and potential conflicts. This study used a descriptive research style and included both quantitative and qualitative data. This study explores the efficacy of peer teaching strategies in various educational environments. Data was gathered from a sample of 138 students enrolled in various courses adopting peer teaching practice thorough mixed-methods analysis. The quantitative investigation revealed a considerable improvement in student learning results. The findings of qualitative research provided a nuanced viewpoint on the benefits and limitations of the peer teaching technique. The results suggest that instructors can improve learning outcomes and student engagement by implementing peer teaching strategies.

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