
The need to study the extent of adoption of climate resilient technologies (CRTs) under the changing climatic conditions have been at the centre of focus of many extension programmes, aimed at improving livelihood security under the current scenario. The current study was conducted in Bandipora District of Jammu and Kashmir with the objective to investigate the adoption rate of climate resilient technologies of National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) Project and to study the adoption behaviour of the beneficiaries of the Project implemented by Krishi Vigyan Kendra of Bandipora. Eighty beneficiaries were selected from 4 strata by proportionate allocation method (PAM). In addition to this, 40 non-beneficiaries were also selected from same villages by simple random sampling technique (RST). The present study investigates the extent to which climate resilient technologies are being adopted by the farmers under the Project National Innovations on Climate Smart Agriculture (NICRA) in the adopted villages of Bandipora District. It further studied the association of personal profile of respondents with the extent of adoption of Climate resilient technologies. A structured interview was employed to obtain data from 120 respondents. Results revealed during the study medium to high levels of adoption by the respondents of climate resilient technologies. The profile characteristics viz. Age, gender, marital status, education, family size, land holding, occupation, annual income, farming experience, trainings attended, extension contacts, information source, scientific orientation, economic motivation and innovativeness had positive and significant association with the extent of adoption of climate resilient technologies by the farmers.

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