
Even 70 years of independences India still the deprived people life style not at all changed and they are still suffering with economic in-equality in the society. A lot of schemes introduced by Central / State governments to improve the situation. The Government of Telangana as a part of poverty alleviation strategy has prioritized social security programs for vulnerable sections of society to ensure that there are no deprived communities. In this context Government of Telangana introduced ‘Aasara Pension Schemes a safety net strategy for the welfare in November 2014 to safeguard several sections of the society.ln the past, social security pensions provided were meager and, barely sufficient to cover the basic minimum requirements of the needy. The idea of social security, including pensions, originates from the notion that everyone must have protection against vulnerability and deprivation but in practice, it has come to be linked to job security, whether one has a job in the formal or the informal sector. Under the Directive Principles Article 41, the State is expected to “within the limits of its economic capacity and development, make effective provision for securing the right to work, to education and to public assistance in cases of unemployment, old age, sickness and disablement and in other cases of undeserved want.

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