
Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL) - a topic of current interest - is a subset of the approach, Computer- Assisted Language Learning (CALL), deals with handheld mobile devices making the learning process more personalized, spontaneous and ubiquitous. The students learning in the secondary level, find a lot of difficulties when integrating mobile phones in the language learning process. In this study, the main objective is to investigate the perspective of the G.C.E. A/L students towards MALL. A sample of fifty students were selected from the Kalutara Education Zone by using convenient sampling method and the data collected through a Google questionnaire, were analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. The analysis confirmed that the majority of the respondents do have a positive attitude towards the use of MALL approach as a mean of distance learning. The results of the study portray the abundance of benefits of using m- learning in the secondary education, such as easy and quick access and availability of a plenty of resources and etc. In view of the difficulties encountered when using m-learning approach, the data manifested the commonness of difficulties encountered by ESL learners in the categories of: connection problems, monetary issues, lack of high- tech sophisticated devices and lack of feedback. Although the findings convince that the students choose blended learning system, MALL would be more preferred if the basic requirements such as a proper training and knowledge are provided.

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