
Background: Kidneys have a prominent role in the metabolism, degradation and excretion of thyroid hormones. There is an increased prevalence of hypothyroidism in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients as the glomerular ltration rate falls. T Objectives: o study the thyroid function in chronic kidney disease patients and to study the correlation of thyroid dysfunction with respect to staging of CKD. A Materials and Methods: prospective Cross-sectional study was done on 100 patients with Chronic kidney disease who were not on dialysis and fullled all the inclusion criteria at Dr PSIMS & RF. Total and Free T3, T4 and TSH levels were estimated for those patients. Majority of subjects included in our Results: study were in the age group of 60-69 years with male predominance. Out of 100 patients included in our study, 50 patients(50%) were found to have low T3 syndrome; 6 patients (6%) were having hypothyroidism; 44 patients (44%) were having normal thyroid gland function. Most of the patients (n=58) were in stage 5 of Chronic kidney disease. In the present study, as creatinine clearance reduced with each CKD stage, the levels of total T3 and free T4 were also reduced. There is a positive correlation between the Conclusion: severity of CKD and thyroid dysfunction. Hence by studying the incidence of thyroid dysfunction in CKD patients and their subsequent treatment, it may help in slowing the progression of CKD.

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