
THGEMs (THick Gas Electron Multiplier) of varying thickness, hole diameter and hole pitch have been studied. For a thinner-THGEM of thickness 0.2 mm, with hole diameter 0.2 mm, pitch 0.2 mm and narrow (5–10 μm) rim, the performance of gain versus high voltage with different gas mixtures have been studied using 5.9 keV X-rays. In general, a gain of around 3 × 103 was obtained with a single board in Ar/iC4H10, and gains higher than 104 were obtained in Ne mixture at lower voltage. The dependence of the energy resolution on the drift and induction electric fields was measured and an energy resolution of 15.9% was obtained. A curved thinner-THGEM chamber with one-dimensional readout has been assembled for use in the diffraction studies at the Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility (BSRF). A cosmic-ray muon hodoscope based on thinner-THGEM was developed as a teaching experiment for the Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (GUCAS).

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