
The50Cr(d, n)51Mn and54Fe(d, n)55Co reactions have been studied at an incident deuteron energy of 5.5 MeV. Angular distributions of neutron groups to a number of low-lying levels in the residual nuclei have been recorded. Time-of-flight techniques have been used to record neutron spectra. A liquid scintillator with pulse-shape discrimination property has been used as neutron detector. DWBA calculations have been performed and relative spectroscopic strengths determined for transitions with variousl p values. The ratios between spectroscopic strengths forl p =3 andl p =1 transitions were found to be considerably larger than corresponding ratios obtained from the (3He,d) reactions. Two-step stripping processes competing with the direct stripping process are suggested as explanation of the discrepancy between the (d, n) and the (3He,d) results.

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