
METHODS Transects, one rod in width and extending across a stream bed so as to include all woody plants, were run across elach stream at the western edge, the center, and the eastern edge of the county. All the woody plants in each transect were graphed. The d'ameter of the trees was taken by means of a calibrated wooden square and their age was determined by the use of the Swedish increment borer. Soil samples were taken within the area of the transects. All transects were selected, as nearly as possible, as typical places of the woody vegetation, and attention was paid as to whether or not they were grazed. SPECIES ON EACH STREAM As shown from findings within the transects only, the Saline river and Big creek had about the same total kinds of species. The Saline river had 11 species; Big creek, 10 species; and the Smoky Hill river, 4 species. The total number of all species shows that Big creek had many more than either of the other two streams. Big creek had a total of 149; the Saline river, 80; and the Smoky Hill river, 35. DEAD TREES There were 4 dead standing trees along the Smoky Hill river and 7 dead stumps; all of these were cottonwoods. There were 5 dead standing trees along the Saline river, 4 elms and 1 hackberry; there were also 8 dead stumps of ash. Big creek had no dead trees or stumps within the transects; but, as on the other streams, general observations revealed that dead trees were present but not so many as along the other two streams. LIVING TREES-KIND AND NUMBER Taking the major species found along all three streams for comparison as shown on Table I, Big creek had 96; the Saline river, 51; and the Smoky Hill river, 34. The ash was most numerous with 50 specimens. The hackberry 35, the elm 10, the cottonwood 1; and there was 1 clump of willows. The ash was most numerous on the Saline river with 19 specimens while the elm had 17, the hackberry 13, the cottonwood 2; and there were no willows.

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