
The main aim of the present study was identify the role of curricular and co-curricular activities in the development of academic and socialskills of elementary school students. A descriptive Survey method was used in the study because the researcher's aim was to find out the roleof a particular scenario. A number of 60 students studying in elementary classes of government and private schools. Investigator developeda five-point Likert scale to measure respondents' academic and social skills and was administered on the selected sample. The scale consistedof 20 items on five-point rating scale. Eleven items were on academic skills, whereas 9 statements were on social skills. The further scale had18 positive statements and 2 negative statements. This study offered insight that how curricular and co-curricular activities have a remarkablecontribution in the development of academic and social skills which is beneficial for elementary school students to gain success in life. Aftercalculating the data, the results revealed that the majority of the students agreed that there is a role of curricular and co-curricular activities inthe development of academic and social skills. More importantly, after applying the t-test it revealed that there is no significant difference amongthe skills development of both genders, students studying in private and government school and students belonging to nuclear or joint families.

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