
This paper mainly explains about United Kingdom and European Union relations during Tony Blair’s period. After UK’s membership to EU in 1973, it had not actively engaged in the European Union’s policy initiatives and implementation process. From 1973 to 1996, the successive UK Prime Ministers followed a negative and skeptical attitude towards various EU policy initiatives and none of the UK Prime Ministers showed any special interest to improving its relations with EU. In this juncture, Tony Blair’s Labour government made a huge difference in the European Union and United Kingdom’s relationship. The Labour party came to power in UK after the 1997 UK General election. It in its 1997 election manifesto introduced the pro-European policy strategy goals and this was whole heartedly supported by the UK people. As a result, it won the election by a huge majority of votes in its party history. The 1997 election gave new direction to the UK’s EU policy. Blair’s pro-European policy initiatives made a huge change in the EU-UK relations. His government from the very beginning made clear to the UK citizens that their government would take more pro-active and constructive role in the EU policy making and various developmental programmes.

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