
Surface water and groundwater are the main water resources used for drinking and production. Assess- ments of the relationship between surface water and groundwater provide information for water resource man- agement in Sanjiang plain, Northeast China. The surface water (river, lake, and wetland) and groundwater were sampled and analyzed for stable isotopic (dD, d 18 O) composition, tritium, and chlorofluorocarbons concentra- tions. The local meteoric water line is dD = 7.3d 18 O-6.7. The tritium (T) and chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) contents in groundwater were analyzed to determine the groundwater ages. Most groundwater were modern water with the ages \50 years. The groundwaters in mountain area and near rivers were younger than in the central plain. The oxygen isotope (d 18 O) was used to quantify the relationship between surface water and groundwater. The Songhua, Heilongjiang, and Wusuli rivers were gaining rivers, but the shallow groundwater recharged from rivers at the confluence area of rivers. At the confluence of Songhua and Heilongjiang rivers, 88 % of the shallow groundwater recharged from Songhua river. The combination of stable isotopes, tritium, and CFCs was an effectively method to study the groundwater ages and interrelation between sur- face water and groundwater. Practically, the farmlands near the river and under foot of the mountain could be culti- vated, but the farmlands in the central plain should be controlled.

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