
Abstract The *Si gao 四告 (Four Proclamations) manuscript, published in the tenth volume of the Qinghua daxue cang Zhanguo zhujian 清華大學藏戰國竹簡 (Warring States Bamboo Slips in Collection of Tsinghua University), consists of four texts of prayers of Zhou Gong Dan 周公旦 (Dan, the Duke of Zhou), Zengsun Boqin 曾孫伯禽 (Great-Grandson Boqin; i.e., the Duke of Lu 魯公), Zengsun Man 曾孫滿 (Great-Grandson Man; i.e., King Mu of Zhou 周穆王), and Zengsun Shao Hu 曾孫召虎 (Great Grandson Shao Hu; i.e., Duke Mu of Shao 召穆公). They are not only important in terms of their content, but are also presented in a quite special format of considerable significance for understanding the process of book formation in pre-Qin times.

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