
In the context of internationalization, second language learning has attracted the attention of a wide range of learners. This study aims to explore the environmental difficulties encountered by Chinese students in second language learning and propose solutions. This study analyzes the factors that influence second language learning. This paper argues that the influencing factors can be divided into three aspects: external environmental factors, family factors, and learners' factors. Changes in the external environment will have an impact on learners' learning styles and learning progress. The family environment will affect the psychology of learners in the learning process, and at the same time, parents' concepts, behaviors, etc. will also have an impact on learners. Individual learner factors are an important factor affecting learning effectiveness. Therefore, this paper believes in creating a good learning environment and a harmonious family atmosphere for learners. At the same time, individual learners should plan well and be proficient in using metacognitive strategies to improve learning outcomes.

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