
The anterior part of the area pellucida from quail blastoderms extending to the 10th or the 17th somite level was substituted for the corresponding region of chick blastoderms in ovo. Reciprocal grafts were also carried out. In external appearance the resulting chimeras had a composite body, one species contributing the head and neck or the head, neck, and wing regions while the other species provided the remainder. The chimeras were always grafted on a chick yolk sac. The cellular composition of hemopoietic organs according to species was analyzed by means of the quail-chick nuclear difference, in 39 viable chimeras at 11–13 days of incubation. The thymus composition depended on the level of the boundary between the two species. In chimeras in which the quail contributed head and neck, the thymic epithelial stroma was made of quail cells while the lymphoid population was of chick origin. In contrast, when the quail contribution also extended to the wings, both thymic stroma and lymphoid cells were of quail origin. In reciprocal combinations, in which head and neck were of chicken origin on a quail body, a different result was obtained: no lymphoid cells were present in the thymus which was reduced to its epithelial component and this was of chick origin. On the other hand, if the chick contribution extended to the wings, as in the reciprocal combination, all thymus components were of chick origin. The spleen and the bursa of Fabricius in most instances did not differ in their cellular composition from the surrounding tissues; however in some chimeras a minor admixture of cells of the other species was also found. Overall these results suggest that hemopoietic stem cells destined to colonize intraembryonic organs arise in territories derived from the whole area pellucida excluding the prospective head-neck region. Furthermore, each hemopoietic organ rudiment appears to be colonized by precursors derived from adjacent territories.

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