
AbstractThe crustacean single nerve fiber gives rise to trains of impulses during a prolonged depolarizing stimulus. It is well known that the alkaloid veratrine itself causes a prolonged depolarization; and consequently it was of interest to investigate the effect of this chemically produced depolarization on repetitive firing in the single axon and compare it with the effect of depolarization by an applied stimulating current or by a potassium‐rich solution. It was found that veratrine depolarization, though similar in some respects to a potassium‐rich depolarization of depolarizing current effect, was in many respects quite different.(1) At low veratrine concentration, less than 1 Mg%, the negative after potential following a spike action potential was prolonged and augmented. At higher concentrations or after a long period of time, veratrine caused a prolonged steady state depolarization of the membrane, the “veratrine response”. The prolonged plateau depolarization response could be elicited with or without an action potential spike by a short or long duration stimulating pulse, but only if the veratrine depolarization was prevented or offset by an applied conditioning hyperpolarizing inward current.(2) The “veratrine response” resembled the potassium‐rich solution response in the plateau‐like contour of the depolarization and the very low membrane resistance during this plateau phase. Like the potassium response, it was possible to obtain a typical hyperpolarizing response with an inwardly directed current pulse if applied during the plateau phase. During the negative after potential augmented with veratrine, however, this hyperpolarizing response was not observed.(3) In contrast to the potassium response, however, the “veratrine response” is intimately associated with the sodium concentration in the external medium. The depolarization in millivolts is linearly related to the log of the concentration of external sodium. Moreover, during veratrine action there is a continuous and progressive inactivation of the sodium mechanism which ultimately terminates repetitive firing and abolishes the spike action potential. Then even with conditioning hyperpolarization only the slow response may be elicited in veratrine, occasionally with a spike superimposed if sodium is present, but without repetitive firing.(4) It is concluded that veratrine action is the result of a chemical or metabolic reaction by the alkaloid in the membrane. It is suggested that veratrine may inhibit the sodium extrusion mechanism, or may itself compete for sites in the membrane with calcium and/or sodium. This explains the inhibiting effect of high calcium, the abolition of the “veratrine response” with low temperature and high calcium combined and the progressive inactivation of the sodium system.

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