
The significance of the print medium as an effective form of mass communication has been widely researched and recognized. It has been playing an important role in transforming and educating the society. Newspapers are the primary print media that have been established to have strong agenda setting potential. Newspapers require a higher degree of attention from the readers as compared to other media, thus creating a long lasting impact on their minds. Newspapers have been instrumental in covering developmental themes in addition to other paramount issues. The earth’s environment has been witnessing continuous change with the passage of time. With technological advances and unprecedented consumption of natural resources, environmental conservation and sustainable development have assumed importance like never before. In the wake of rising concerns about sensitizing the public and spreading awareness about conserving the environment, the role played by media, particularly newspapers, has become undisputable. The present study is designed to analyze the way print media has been handling its responsibility in highlighting the actual cause behind the issues of environment. The coverage given to the environmental issues and sustainable development by major English dailies in India will be quantified and analysed to ascertain how much importance these issues are receiving at the hands of print media. The paper will also analyze the themes reported by these newspapers to attain sustainable development.

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