
In ancient time the main purpose of sports was to attain entertainment whether they being peaceful domestic games or wild games. Beside entertainment games were also a medium of mutual interaction and lead to stress free life. According to Macdaugal “Games and Sports are important for the Security, development and growth of the individual”. Games and Sports is an integral part of our culture through which man has been strengthening the social relations. Games and Sports have been a means of physical, mental as well as cultural development. Through sports the culture and knowledge have been imparted to the future generations. The Games and Sports have been accepted all over the world as the best medium for physical strength and mental development.If we look at the history of the origin of the sports, we found it remains from prehistoric times. According to some written documents, it started with the emergence of great civilizations lie Greece, Egypt, and Indus Valley. Reference to sports in India is also mention in Vedas and various Literatures. In 1921-22 AD two important cities of Indus Valley Harappa and Mohanjo-daro was discovered by John Marshall, this civilization was the center of Art and Culture. Archeological excavations at Harappa and Mohanjo-daro show that people were involved in some kind of physical activity. The people used to play many types of games using stones, balls, and dice. Various types of toys have been found in the excavation which were made of copper, ivory, and baked clay. Some of the toys were extremely skillfully made and decorated. The toys and Statues of Indus Valley were made by the pinching method in clay in which the clay is pressed by hands to give its perfect shape and then strengthen by baking in furnace. The interest of Indus People towards sports is known from these artistic remains also the skill on the artist who creates these toys which reflect the social perspective and mental outlook of that time. All these craft indicative the importance of games and sports and imagination of the artist

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