
The present study investigated potential differences in respiratory sinus arrhythmia between preschool-age children with persisting stuttering, children who recovered from stuttering, and children who do not stutter. Participants were 10 children with persisting stuttering (persisting group), 20 children who recovered from stuttering (recovered group), and 36 children who do not stutter (non-stuttering group). Participants viewed a neutral video clip to establish a pre-arousal baseline and then viewed two emotionally-arousing video clips (positive and negative, counterbalanced). Age-appropriate speaking tasks followed each of the video clips (post-baseline, post-positive, and post-negative). Respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA), an index of parasympathetic nervous system activity, was measured during the video clips and subsequent speaking tasks. First, the persisting group, recovered group, and non-stuttering group did not significantly differ in baseline RSA. Second, during the emotionally-arousing video clips, there was a significant group x condition interaction, with the recovered group exhibiting significantly lower RSA in the positive than negative condition, and the non-stuttering group exhibiting significantly higher RSA in the positive than negative condition. Third, in the narrative tasks, there was a significant group x condition interaction, with a greater difference in RSA between the post-baseline speaking task and the post-positive and post-negative speaking tasks for the persisting compared to the non-stuttering group. Lastly, a follow-up analysis indicated that the recovered and nonstuttering groups, compared to the persisting group, exhibited significantly greater RSA during the baseline (neutral) condition compared to the post-neutral narrative task. Findings provide a physiological perspective of emotion within children who stutter and persist and children who stutter and recover. Future investigations with larger sample sizes and diverse methodologies are necessary to provide novel insights on the specific emotion-related processes that are potentially involved with persistence of stuttering in young children.

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