
The )I-ray spectra for seven resonances in the reaction s8Ni(p, )I)S9CU in the range Ep = 1400--2150 keV have been measured with a high resolution Ge(Li) detector. Consistent resonance decay schemes have been derived along with the decay schemes of bound levels. Decays to previously unreported bound levels at 2� 459, 2� 711 and 3� 025 MeV have been observed, while results significantly different from the earlier reports have been obtained for the decay of most of the bound levels. The reported level at 1� 865 MeV is confirmed. The decay schemes of the two resonances at Ep = 1424 and 1844 keV indicate that these are T = 3/2 analogue states associated with the levels at O' 880 and 1�301 MeV in s9Ni. A new value of Q = 3'415�0'OO3 MeV for the reaction S8Ni(p, )I)59CU was derived from the Ge(Li) spectra.

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