
Introduction On march 11, 2020, WHO officially announced that COVID 19 has become global pandemic . Most of the studies available on COVID 19 have evaluated the impact of the disease in general population and there are insufficient data on COVID 19 in pregnancy. Pregnant women are more susceptible to acquired viral respiratory infection and severe pneumonia due to physiological changes in immune and cardiopulmonary system during pregnancy COVID 19 infection in pregnancy more likely present as mild symptomatic infection or it may be asymptomatic and the risk of COVID 19 infection for pregnant women may be SARS or middle east respiratory syndrome. Aims And Objectives Aim: Objective TO audit maternal mortality due to COVID 19 : To estimate the prevalence of maternal mortality due to COVID 19 infection in obstetrics patients. A cross sectional study was conducted from Materials And Methodology January 1st 2020 to May 30 2022 at GOVERNMENT GENERAL HOSPITAL ,GUNTUR, a tertiary care centre. During study period all pregnant women and antenatal, intrapartum and postpartum who were diagnosed to have COVID 19 infection by RTPCR or RAPID ANTIGEN TEST positive were considered. Out of 942 cases of COVID 19 recorded Results throughout the study period, the prevelance of maternal mortality is 3.3% (32 cases) According to age wise distribution, 37.5% in 20-25 years age group, 56.25% in 25-30 years age group, 6.2% in 30-35years age group. According to BMI 15.6% deaths in 18.5 -24.9, 59.3% deaths in 25-29.9 group, 25% deaths in 30-34.9 group. According to socioeconomic status 50% in lower SCS, 40.6% in lower middle class group, 9.3% in upper middle class group According to gestational age wise distribution 28% in 24-30 weeks of GA, 46.8% in 32-36 weeks of GA , 25% in 35 and above and postpartum. According to CT severity score number of deaths are 90.6% if score greater than 16, 9.3% with score of 8-15, 0% with score of less than 7. Based on investigations D-dimer elevated in 100% of death cases, serum ferritin elevated in 68.7% of death cases , CRP elevated in 93.7% of death cases

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