
Investigation of the Cs–Ba–Mo–O system by fused salt electrolysis at 960°C has led to the new related-hollandite compound Ba∼8/7Mo8O16. Single-crystals of Ba∼8/7Mo8O16 were examined by electron diffraction and high-resolution electron microscopy. Ba∼8/7Mo8O16 was found to present a tetragonal I basic unit-cell (a=10.21 Å, c=2.89 Å) with a one-dimensional modulation of wavevector q close to 4/7 along c* at room temperature. Refinement of the crystal structure was made on X-ray single crystal data in the seven-fold supercell in the three-dimensional space group I4 (a=10.214(2) Å, c=20.255(5) Å, Rw(F2)=0.0844 for all 7767 independent reflections and 149 parameters). In the latter supercell approach, the Mo atoms in the double edge-sharing rutile-type chains form Mo3 triangles and planar rhomboidal Mo4 clusters that coexist in equal proportions. The Mo–Mo distances vary from 2.5341(8) to 2.696(2) Å and from 2.5341(8) to 2.894(4) Å in the Mo3 and Mo4 clusters, respectively. The shortest intercluster distance is 3.047(4) Å. The Mo–O distances range between 1.81(1) to 2.418(8) Å as usually observed in reduced molybdenum oxides. The Ba2+ cations occupy the large square channels in square prismatic environment of oxygen atoms with the distribution sequence …Ba–□–Ba–Ba–□Ba–□–….

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