
Lip-print study (cheiloscopy) is a reliable biometric technology and considered as a unique parameter for identification. The aim of this study was to determine lip print patterns among sample of Egyptians population and evaluate their association with gender, ABO blood groups.A total of participants was 1000 (640 females & 360 males) their ages ranged from (12 to 75 years), 15 identical twins and 34 families, were included in the study. Lip print was recorded by usage of Red or brown lip sticks, white copy papers and tissue paper, the obtained prints were first examined by magnifying hand lenses and later analyzed and interpreted. Blood groups were recorded from persons aware of their blood groups after reviewing of official documents if available. The results of this study revealed hat there was no identically similar lip-print pattern appeared in two subjects even t among the same families and between identical twins. Groove type A (complete vertical) was the highest recorded pattern in both males 47.9% and females 49.7%. It was predominantly observed in the lower middle area, followed by groove type C (complete bifurcation) which represented 43.8 % (UL) area in males & 45.4 % (LR) area in females. The present Study proved that no correlation was found between lip print characteristics, blood groups and gender. In conclusion, lip prints are unique for every individual even in between the family and identical twins. Hence, Lip prints play a vital role as a supplementary tool in personal identification of suspects or unknown identity

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