
Data of mobile terminal can be accessed repeatedly in the future when using data cache method. Caching technology can reduce communications traffic and benefits the frequent disconnection computing environment. In this paper, we use local cache memory to save mobile client,s random walk steps information, including cell ID, location coordinate, move direction and hold time of the cell. By caching user,s current position and moving direction, the next destined cell could be predicted. We combine cache with channel resource allocation to improve the network performance. And a novel channel allocation method which utilizes wireless broadcasting technology and mobile client,s local cache memory is presented. Simulate experiments show the total of client and channel in what degree effect on average blocking host rate and delay time ratio. From the experiments, we found that: high blocking host rate not always mean high delay time ratio; when a low delay time users feel not very clearly under, blocked a number of mobile hosts advisably can save the channel resources; generally speaking, the larger number of average channel per cell, the better performance of wireless networks.

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