
The forearm serves an important role in the functioning of the upper extremity. Hence aggressive management through good anatomical reduction and internal xation of these fractures has become important. The aim of treatment is to re-establish the normal anatomy and good functional outcome. Early rehabilitation started in the immediate postoperative period to prevent disability to a large extent. The aim of this study is to assess the results of fractures of shaft of both bones of forearm with dynamic compression plate (DCP).30 patients with acute diaphyseal fractures of the radius and ulna were treated with open reduction and internal xation with dynamic compression plate and screws at Osmania general hospital, between November 2016 and April 2019. Cases were taken according to inclusion and exclusion criteria i.e., Adults, both males and females with diaphyseal fracture of forearm bones above the age of 18yrs. Medically unsuitable and patients not willing for surgery were excluded from the study. In our series of 30 cases there were 25 males and 5 females, with average age of 32.6yrs. Good or full range of mobility of elbow and wrist joints with excellent, satisfactory results was present in 28 patients (94%), 1(3%) patient having restriction of elbow motion and pronation and supination and 1(3%) patient with ulnar non-union which recovered with bone grafting. With rigid/anatomical internal xation, dynamic compression plate is a good xation for displaced diaphyseal fractures of the forearm bones. Adherence to AO principles, strict asepsis, proper post operative rehabilitation and patient education are more important to obtain excellent results. Also, external immobilization was not required in cooperative patients.

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