
The purpose of this study was to determine long-term (four months after the training intervention) transfer of training skills taught in OSHA Outreach trainer courses by University of Cincinnati (U.C.) instructors, as evidenced by a change in trainer behaviors to conform to those taught in U.C. train-the-trainer short courses. Participants were recruited from training courses given by the Continuing Medical Education Office, Great Lakes Regional OTI Education Center (GLROEC). No exclusion criteria were used. During the course of the study, course participants were asked at the end of the training on effective training techniques if they would be willing to be a part of the study. A small incentive was offered for participation. Those who consented to participate were also asked to write down one teaching behavior learned in the training that they planned to integrate into their own teaching behaviors for future training courses. At approximately 4 months subsequent to the training, participants received a self-reporting questionnaire to complete and return. Forty to sixty participants were anticipated, with ages ranging from 25 to 60 years, however, only 20 usable (those who had actually trained during the reporting period) responses were returned. The study results were very positive and showed only one respondent answering “not at all” to the first question: “Have you changed your training/planning for training behaviors as a result of the training you received ….” The respondent's reason for this answer was: “My Program Exceeds Current Elements.” All other respondents (19) listed changes they made in their training and/or planning for training behaviors. When responding to the last question about effects on trainees as a result of changing their training behaviors, thirty-three positive effects, two indiscernible effects, and three negative effects were reported.

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