
It was shown previously that long range 2H-13 C dipolar coupling constants in liquid crystals could be obtained from the proton-decoupled 13C NMR spectrum of monodeuterated compounds. This approach has now been applied to the study of 4′-(1-deuteropentyloxy)-4-biphenylcarbonitrile (5OCB-d1). The 113C spectrum of this compound gives nine 2H- 13C dipolar coupling constants for carbon ranging from one to six bonds away from the dueterium nucleus. The 2 H NMR and 5OCB-d1 gives the deuterium quadrupole coupling constant and the 1H- 2H dipolar coupling constant for the α -CHD group. In addition, eleven 2-bond and two 3-bond 1H- 13C dipolar coupling constants have been obtained for 4′-pentyloxy-4-biphenylcarbonitrile (non-deuterated 5OCB) by using the 2D 13C method of proton-encoded local field spectroscopy.

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