
The present study attempts to highlight the trends and regional variations in health outcomes in major states of India.The study investigates the spatial variations across the selected states of India in terms of basic health indicators such as infant mortality rate(IMR), under five mortality rate (U5MR), life expectancy rate(LEB) and literacy rate. In order to capture the health outcomes of 20 major states of India spearman's rank correlation has been calculated. In the study, health outcomes data have been used forIMR trends in rural urban comparison for the period 1980 to 2017.The study revealed the rank correlation between Life expectancy at birth( LEB) and poverty level, per capita NSDP, total literacy rate, per capita health expenditure show highly statistically significant correlations. Human Development Index (HDI) value and LEB also shows the rank correlation (0.809) which are highly statisticallypositively significantcorrelations. Negative signare(-0.275) of rank correlation betweenLEBand poverty level depicts the inverse relationship between them, showing an increase in poverty level is expected to bring a fall inLEB.The study revealed the Inequalities in the availability of health servicesacrossthe selectedstates of India.Variations are pronounced in terms of socio-economic, demographic and maternal health outcomes.The interstate variation are the best illustrated by comparing the state of Kerala with (7 per thousand live birth) in IMR and female literacy rate with (92.1percent).Thestudy also focuses on the inequalities in utilization of preventive and curative servicesacross the rural -urban areas of selected states of Indiaand found that the economic conditions and effectiveness of health services at the state level have direct bearing on health status of people in the respective states.

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