
The chemical compositions of garnets from 58 eclogite, 72 peridotite and 4 pyroxenite xenoliths in kimberlites have been estimated from their unit cell edge length and refractive indices. The samples studied were obtained from 17 kimberlite occurrences and include all those of known source which remain in the famous Williams (1932) collection which is stored at the University of Cape Town. Every suitable sample available to the authors has been examined. A gap in the range of garnet volume percentages occurs in the samples studied between approximately 15 and 30%. Garnet peridotites characteristically have 30% garnet. Very rare exceptions occur. Our collection contains no eclogites with olivine and only one with orthopyroxene. All but two of the peridotite-pyroxenite group contain orthopyroxene. The garnets from the peridotites and pyroxenites plot on a pyrope-almandine-uvarovite triangle in a narrow band with a remarkably constant almandine/uvarovite ratio. Garnets from the eclogites are plotted on a pyrope-almandine-grossularite triangle and have a wide spread of compositions. These fall into 4 groups viz. eclogite I, eclogite II, kyanite eclogite and corundum eclogite. The reasons for the differences in garnet chemistry are considered and a tentative evolutionary scheme suggested by partial melting of the garnet peridotite which is assumed to occur in the upper mantle. Recent models of upper mantle composition and the genesis of garnet-bearing xenoliths in kimberlite are briefly and critically examined.

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