
The main objective of this study was determining the factors which areaffecting the response of farmers to agricultural extension methods. The studywas aimed-also-to: (a) determine farmers opinion in extension methods, andtheir confidence in these methods, and (b) determine the relationship betweensome personal characteristics of respondents and there response to extensionmethods.A random sample of 140 respondents was chosien from four destercts in theGreen Mountain. Percentages, means, varience, and simple correlationcoefficient were used to analyses the data.The results showed that:(a) The majority of respondents are less than 56 years old, illetrate, working infarming ,holding not more than 3 hektars, members in social organizations,and have not agricultural projects.(b) The response to extension methods was between 2.14% (personal letters),and 28.57% (extension meetings(c) The majority of respondents meintioned that:

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