
In order to get the deeper understanding of EFL classroomdiscourse, the researcher displays the process of EFLclassroom discourse through the analytical instrumentsof both DA and CA. It is found that there are severaldiscourse structures in the EFL classroom discourse fromthe perspective of DA, it is more complex than the singleIRF structure which also including the IRFR structure,theIR [I1R1 … (InRn)] F structure and the IR1F1R2F2 …RnFnstructure. From the perspective of CA, the researchshows that quite a few conversational skills are usedin the EFL classroom discourse, such as turn-taking,conversation repair, interruption and repetition. It isconcluded that the students generally play a passive roleinEFL classroom discourse, especially in teacher-studentinteraction. Itshould be the joint effort of teacher andstudents to increase students’ contributionin classroomdiscourse and interaction. Key words: Discourse analysis; Conversationanalysis; IRF model; Turn-taking; ESL classroom

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