
Dissociative electron attachment (DEA) has been studied in the systemsBr−/CHBr3 and I−/CHI3 in a crossed electron/molecular beams experiment in theelectron energy range from about 0 to 10 eV. In addition to prominent low-energyresonances (also observed in previous studies), we find a resonance in the systemBr−/CHBr3 at 4.65 eV and we find three additional resonant features in the systemI−/CHI3 at 2.1, 2.9 and 4.1 eV. The absolute partial cross-section for theBr−/CHBr3 DEA reaction was estimated as (3 ± 1) × 10−17 cm2 at 0.5 eV and (2 ± 1) ×10−18 cm2 at 4.65 eV. Analysis of the energy dependence of the I−/CHI3cross-section reveals s-wave attachment near threshold (≈0 eV) and an additionalpronounced feature located at 58 meV. We tentatively assign this featureto vibrational Feshbach resonance associated with excitation of the ν2vibrational quanta of CHI3.

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