
Owing to the inadequacy of in-depth research, actual practice of Joint Consultative Councils/Employees’ Councils in Sri Lanka remains a mystery. This paper explores the process of diffusion of Joint Consultative Council/Employees’ Council in Sri Lankan organizations using Actor-Network Theory. Based in the interpretive paradigm, we employed qualitative methodology and multiple case study strategy, where four BOI approved organizations (cases) were purposefully selected from Textile & Garment industry and Tyre industry in Sri Lanka. In-depth interviews, focus group discussions as well as observations were used as data collection methods. The study revealed that the diffusion process starts with the management strategically creating a need for Joint Consultative Council/Employees’ Council among employees, where in most instances management even go to the extent of imposing the concept on the employees. Afterwards, management employs different actions and mechanisms to promote and continue the practice of the concept within the organizations. Finally, management ensures that the Council remains within its tight control. Thus, it is apparent that, while the concept itself suggest a council of employees, from the initiation to the continuation of Joint Consultative Council/Employees’ Council, management takes the control of the process and uses the practice mainly to fulfill their own agendas.

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