
Arbitration Law is a form of legal process that falls under the domain of Alternate Dispute Resolution. The process of arbitration is quite different from litigation, in terms of formalities, flexibility and speed of disposal. This research paper covers the Scope of Arbitration Law in India, the Recent Developments, and the pivotal case of Amazon v. Future Retail. With regards to the Scope of Arbitration, this paper covers subjects such as the definition of Arbitration, its characteristics; its advantages and disadvantages, such as quicker process despite high cost of hiring an arbitrator; its types, such as ad-hoc arbitration, domestic arbitration, international arbitration and international commercial arbitration. It also covers the laws that govern arbitration in India, with special reference to the Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996. In terms of recent developments, this paper covers events such as the 2015 and 2019 amendments to the Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996, which have played a crucial role in the arbitration sphere in India. This paper also delves into the concept of Emergency Arbitration and the inclusion of Emergency Arbitrator under the scope of Section 17(1) of the Act, 1996 as emphasized by the Supreme Court in the case of Amazon v. Future Retail.

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