
This study is based on the 5W analysis model to explore the communication strategy of bilibili, one of the most successful video sites in recent years, whose development strategy has attracted much attention. The company was founded only 13 years ago, and its target users are mostly today’s young people. To a certain extent, it represents and leads the development trend of the industry, so it is worth studying. This study adopts a survey, literature, and case study method. It concludes with five aspects: the subject of information communication, the content of information communication, the manner of information communication, the audience of information communication, and the effect of information. This study also discusses the issues involved and proposes three suggestions: strengthen self-correction and improve the mechanism of rights protection, clear their positioning, enhance user stickiness, improve the audit mechanism, and achieve personalized recommendations. Finally, the paper summarizes and concludes the research results, once again outlining the successes of bilibili's communication strategy and briefly suggesting the shortcomings of the study due to objective reasons and the prospects for future research.

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