
Aim and Objective: The supraorbital foramen is a bony elongated path located above the orbit (eye socket) and under the forehead. The supraorbital foramen lies directly below the eyebrow. The aim of the study is to analyse the anatomical relations of supra orbital notch and foramen in south indian skulls at saveetha dental college Chennai. Materials and methods: The study will be done in 21 dry skulls. The occurrence of supraorbital foramen is examined in those skulls. The distance between the supraorbital foramen from nasal midline, and its horizontal and vertical diameter is measured using a Vernier calliper. Results: The mean distance of SOF/SON from nasal midline on the right are 30.18±3.78 and on the left are 29.51±3.01. and The mean vertical and horizontal diameters of SOF on the right side are 2.45±2.96 and 4.69±1.72, while those on the left side are 1.01±2.90 and 4.55±1.53, respectively Conclusion: This study helps to determine the precise location of supraorbital foramen or notch in relation to various anatomical structures which is essential for performing invasive surgical procedures involving anesthetic and therapeutic procedures.

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