
The purpose of this study is to examine learner-centered affective factors related to the effectiveness of foreign language learning. Results from a wide range of studies have indicated the significant relationship of attitudes and motivation to the achievement in foreign language learning. It has also been found that positive attitudes do enhance learning, whereas negative attitudes can hinder or even prevent learning. Furthermore, research findings have shown that attitudes are learned and can be changed. This can possibly help increase the student's motivation to learn a foreign language. Researchers further conclude that attitudes influence an individual's level of motivation and that the level of motivation can produce different levels of proficiency. Since attitudes and motivation play a vital role in the student's success in learning a foreign or second language, the writer recommends students, teachers, and administrators take the following steps to foster positive attitudes and promote motivation to learn the language. First, schools have to inc1ude cultural component into language programs because of its impact on the student's attitudes and motivation. Second, schools must offer students opportunities to use the target language outside the classroom. Besides, teachers and administrators should encourage students to improve their attitudes toward the people and the culture of the target language. Final1y, schools or the government should provide substantial incentives to increase students' motivation to learn languages.

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