
The concept of wisdom education focuses more on "precision, individuality, optimization, collaboration, thinking, and creativity" than traditional education, and the era of information technology 2.0 requires the innovative integration of education and technology, the innovation and optimization of normal university students' training programs, and the strengthening of the training of normal university students' information technology teaching ability. As a compulsory public course for normal university students, Modern Educational Technology is responsible for improving the information-based teaching ability of students.However, the current training mode of most universities is mainly based on the basic operation of multimedia software taught by teachers, which is separated from theoretical knowledge and practical activities, and the teaching content and form are single.Therefore, this study hopes to break the traditional teaching mode, update the teaching cultivation objectives in accordance with the development of the times, introduce GPBL(Growing Problem-Based Learning) teaching method for advanced cognitive ability cultivation, and generate a set of teaching mode for the cultivation of information-based teaching ability of normal university students.

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