
Quantitative Reasoning is students ability to concluded a problem solved. The purpose of this research has information about algebraic thinking processed on the student with low ability based on Quantitative Reasoning ability. Methods used qualitative descriptive with a purpose for a description of algebraic thinking processed on mathematics problem solving basic material on function with the low ability of student based on quantitative reasoning ability. This paper used algebraic ability paper test and interview transcript. The subject cluster used purposive technic with appreciation high value on report and teacher review which are known about students characteristic. The results showed that algebraic thinking processed on mathematics problem solving on the student with low ability based on quantitative reasoning ability obtained LESS category because the subject doesn’t capable used deductive reasoning on clarifying n symbol on problem and representation on arrow diagram and Cartesian diagram for the first problem test. With the result that Quantitative Reasoning subject on analyzing problems to extract and quantify essential features with deductive reasoning obtained “Less” category. The second problem test, the subject doesn’t capable used inductive reasoning on concluding highest bounce of the ball from the graphic and function table. With that result that Quantitative Reasoning subject on analyzing problems to extract and quantify essential features with inductive reasoning obtained “Less” category.
 Keywords: algebraic thinking processed, mathematics ability, quantitative reasoning ability.
 Abstrak. Quantitative Reasoning merupakan kemampuan siswa dalam menyimpulkan suatu permasalahan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui lebih mendalam mengenai proses berpikir aljabar terutama pada siswa dengan kemampuan rendah ditinjau dari kemampuan Quantitative Reasoning. Metode penelitian adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan tujuan untuk mendeskripsikan proses berpikir aljabar siswa dalam penyelesaian masalah matematika materi fungsi pada siswa kemampuan rendah ditinjau dari kemampuan quantitative reasoning. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini adalah lembar tes kemampuan berpikir aljabar dan lembar wawancara. Pemilihan subjek dilakukan secara purposive dengan mempertimbangkan nilai rapor tertinggi dan pertimbangan guru kelas yang lebih mengetahui karakteristik siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses berpikir aljabar dalam penyelesaian masalah matematika siswa kemampuan rendah ditinjau dari kemampuan quantitative reasoning memperoleh kategori kurang karena subjek belum mampu menggunakan penalaran deduktif dalam menjelaskan makna simbol n dalam permasalahan dan merepresentasikan dalam diagram panah dan diagram cartesius pada soal nomor satu sehingga memperoleh kategori kurang. Subjek juga belum mampu menggunakan penalaran induktif dalam menyimpulkan lambungan tertinggi bola berdasarkan tabel fungsi yang diperjelas dengan grafik fungsi pada soal nomor dua.
 Kata kunci: proses berpikir aljabar, kemampuan matematika, kemampuan quantitative reasoning.


  • Sumardyono (2004: 28) clarified objective on mathematics education emphasized on student was skill for capable applicable mathematics to mathematical problem solving, other study or another problem which is related with daily activities

  • Polya problem solving stages application on learning process expected to students could have solved about problem which is constitute development of previous example accord applied working out proprietary problem on accord student ability

  • This research aim to aims to analyze algebraic thinking processed in mathematic problem solving by low mathematic ability based on quantitative reasoning ability

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Education is human effort to develop appropriate personality with culture and points on daily activities to be able encounter every changed because of advancement science and technology existence (Habibi, Darhim, Turmudi, 2018). Sumardyono (2004: 28) clarified objective on mathematics education emphasized on student was skill for capable applicable mathematics to mathematical problem solving, other study or another problem which is related with daily activities. Quantitative reasoning for basicly or objective value focused on problem solving It is include six ability : 1) read and comprehenly information on many patterns, 2) interpretation quantitative information and make representation for conclusion, 3) used arithmetic problem solving, algebra, geometry, and statistic method, 4) estimate the answer and investigate advisability, 5) communicate quantitative information, and 6) make a definition from mathematic or statistic method. Quantitative reasoning on algebra emphasized conclusion withdraw based on datas or quantitative information This reasoning was important because is the greatest way to solved many type for problem solving. Researcher was interest to arranged research with title “Students Algebraic Thinking Processed In Mathematic Problem Solving At Low Mathematic Ability Student Based On Quantitative Reasoning Ability”. This research aim to aims to analyze algebraic thinking processed in mathematic problem solving by low mathematic ability based on quantitative reasoning ability

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