
The ESA Academy’s Space Systems Engineering Training Course is a unique educational opportunity offered by the European Space Agency’s Education Office. It allows Bachelor, Master and PhD students to learn about the fascinating world of Systems Engineering and its applications within the space sector, while bringing this captivating framework of challenges and satisfaction to life for the participants of the Training Course. During this course, the whole life-cycle of a space project is explored from a System Engineering viewpoint, and students can learn about the challenges of Space Systems Engineering. Moreover, the Systems Engineering process is explored in detail [1]. Taught by ESA experts, the Training Course is delivered through formal lectures, with a heavy emphasis on the interaction with the students. During the course, students take part in group exercises aimed at putting the theory learnt into practice. This paper purposes at giving an overview of the training course, as it took place online on the 12th -20th of July 2021, and at addressing the benefits of the Author’s participation into the Training Course for his studies and future space career

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