
Machine and deep learning are used worldwide. Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) are playing an increasingly important role in the healthcare sector, particularly when combined with big data analytics. Some of the ways that ML and DL are being used in healthcare includePredictive Analytics,Medical Image Analysis,Drug Discovery,Personalized Medicine,and Electronic Health Records (EHR) Analysis.It has become one of the advanced and popular tool forcomputer sciencedomain.' Theadvancementof ML and DL forvariousfieldshas opened new avenues for research and development. It could revolutionize prediction and decision-makingcapabilities. Due to increased awarenessabout the ML and DL in the healthcare, it has become one of the vital approaches for thesector. High-volumeof unstructured, and complex medical imaging data from health monitoring devices, gadgets, sensors, etc. Is the biggest trouble forhealthcare sector. The current study uses analysis to examine research trends inadoption of machine learning and deep learningapproaches in the healthcare sector. The WoS database for SCI/SCI-E/ESCIjournals areused as the datasetsfor the comprehensive analysis. Apart from these various search strategy are utilised for therequisitescientificanalysis of the extracted research documents. Bibliometrics R statistical analysis is performed for year-wise, nation-wise, affiliation-wise, research area, sources, documents, and authorbased analysis. VOS viewer software is used to create author, source, country, institution, global cooperation, citation, co-citation, and trending term co-occurrence networks. ML and DL, combined with big data analytics, have the potential to revolutionize healthcare by improving patient outcomes, reducing costs, and accelerating the development of new treatments, so the currentstudy will help academics, researchers, decision-makers, and healthcare professionals understand and direct research.

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