
Strengthening the national public health infrastructure is crucial to ensure provision of necessary public health services in all jurisdictions. Public health agencies and their governing bodies need an evidence-based understanding of workforces' capabilities to operationalize this effort. The Capabilities Opportunities Assessment Tool for the Public Health Workforce (COAT-PH) is an assessment of workforce foundational capabilities (FCs), based on the Foundational Public Health Services (FPHS) framework. The COAT-PH provides data on employees' capabilities to health departments to help them improve and operationalize the FPHS. This article describes the development and pilot testing of the COAT-PH in a convenience sample of 8 health departments in Texas of various sizes and accreditation statuses. Participating leadership teams were provided easily interpretable reports to deliver clear evidence of division and organization-level workforce capability gaps and strengths. Follow-up semistructured interviews were conducted with leaders to capture insights into the tool and the usefulness of the findings. Eighty-eight percent of pilot health departments reported successfully appraising employee capability deficits, and 83% of small and medium health departments successfully assessed division or organizational FC strengths and gaps. All participating departments identified ways they could use their findings in future improvement efforts. Instrument psychometrics included the Cronbach α of internal reliability using a small test-retest sample (n = 6) of 0.956. Item test-retest reliability using Cohen's κ revealed 89% of items demonstrated at least slight reliability and 43% demonstrated moderate to substantial reliability. Content validity was established through review by 15 subject matter experts in the field of public health. To provide the FPHS, health department leadership teams need a strong, prepared workforce and an effective method to demonstrate employee capabilities and provide evidence of health department workforce strengths and gaps to their governing bodies in the form of data that are clear and easy to understand. Early results demonstrated the usefulness of the COAT-PH in this effort.

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