
In this work, we investigate isothermal MHD motions of a large class of rate type fluids through a porous medium between two infinite horizontal parallel plates when a differential expression of the non-trivial shear stress is prescribed on the boundary. Exact expressions are provided for the dimensionless steady state velocities, shear stresses and Darcy’s resistances. Obtained solutions can be used to find the necessary time to touch the steady state or to bring to light certain characteristics of the fluid motion. Graphical representations showed the fluid moves slower in presence of a magnetic field or porous medium. In addition, contrary to our expectations, the volume flux across a plane orthogonal to the velocity vector per unit width of this plane is zero. Finally, based on a simple remark regarding the governing equations of velocity and shear stress for MHD motions of incompressible generalized Burgers’ fluids between infinite parallel plates, provided were the first exact solutions for MHD motions of these fluids when the two plates apply oscillatory or constant shear stresses to the fluid. This important remark offers the possibility to solve any isothermal MHD motion of these fluids between infinite parallel plates or over an infinite plate when the non-trivial shear stress is prescribed on the boundary. As an application, steady state solutions for MHD motions of same fluids have been developed when a differential expression of the fluid velocity is prescribed on the boundary.

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