
A Story of Courage (The True Story of Elva Chambers) Edward H. Thomas Elva Elizabeth Chambers Griffith Roberts sat in her easy chair idly watching a daytime soap opera on television, hardly seeing or hearing the actors. Outside a gentle rain hastened the fall ofautumn leaves. Time was moving much too fast in eliminating this year, and she wondered ifshe would see the next one. It seemed impossible that she was now in the eighty-third year of her life. As she looked about her, so much reminded her of days long past, though they seemed as recent as yesterday. In this house, four generations had lived at one time: her grandparents, parents, she and her son. Through memory's ear, she heard their voices again. The calendar on the wall next to her chair reminded her that it was October 17. That date jarred awake crystal-clear memories ofan event of her early childhood that was deeply seared into her mind. She quickly calculated. "Gracious," she thought, "it seems impossible that it happened seventy-eight years ago today." World War I was raging in Europe, but to a child offour it was only the talk of"the old folks." She had heard them talk of"the Kaiser," whatever that was, and was somewhat alarmed when they talked about some of"our boys" who might have to "go over yonder and fight." Why did her brothers have to go "over yonder" to fight? They got into enough fights right at home. She didn't understand, and besides, there were too many other things to occupy her mind and time. In the fall of 1917, she and her two brothers lived with their parents in a house two hundred yards up the branch from where she had now lived more than halfa century. This particular autumn Monday morning was special. It was the first day back from a very magical time. "Pop," as she affectionately called her father, had taken his family to visit with grandparents living in the big city ofCharleston, about thirty miles away. She remembered everything about that wonder-filled trip. With eager anticipation she walkedthe dustypath leading to the train station in Danville, a mile away. Edward H. Thomasgrew up in Boone County, West Virginia. He is now retired and lives in California. 24 The train was such a frightening thing! It was so large, and the engine seemed alive, snorting great clouds at everyone nearby. It reminded her of dragons she had heard about in fairy tales. She held Pop's hand very tightly for assurance. Soon she joined others and sat in the wooden seats ofthe passenger car Her eyes grewwide as the train pulled away from the station. She watched the countryside pass by so quickly, much faster than she or either of her brothers could run! The "clickety-clack" ofthe rails, creaking and swaying of the seats, so many strangers, and the rapidly passing scenery were all still fresh in her memory. She had never seen anything like this before, but Pop and her family were there, so she felt safe. When the train stopped, grandparents were waiting with warm hugs and kisses for everyone. On the parents' way to her grandparents' home there was rapid and excited talk as each recounted what had happened since they had last been together. Her grandparents' home in the city was something special to a young girl from a hollow in Boone County. There was not much sleep that night. Not only was there the excitement ofthe train and seeing her grandparents, but Pop had said he was going to take all ofthem to see something called "the Circus" tomorrow. Elva had never seen a circus but had asked a million questions about it. Hermind still could notimagine all those wild animals and rides andpeople. She could hardly wait, and all the excitement and memories in her head made sleep impossible until quite late. Daylight quickly brought her awake. This was the day! She dressed as fast as she could and even before breakfast was hurrying everyone along and asking ifit wasn't time to get started. What sights, sounds, and smells that circus gave out...

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