
The purpose of this article is to illustrate how the theorem of Lévy about conformal invariance of Brownian motion can be used to obtain information about boundary behaviour and removable singularity sets of analytic functions. In particular, we prove a Frostman–Nevanlinna–Tsuji type result about the size of the set of asymptotic values of an analytic function at a subset of the boundary of its domain of definition (Theorem 1). Then this is used to prove the following extension of the classical Radó theorem: If φ is analytic in B\K, where B is the unit ball of ℂ;n and K is a relatively closed subset of B, and the cluster set of φ at K has zero harmonic measure w.r.t. φ(B\K)\≠Ø, then φ extends to a meromorphic function in B (Theorem 2).

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