
A set of tagged particles released in a flow through a porous medium is subject to random dispersion. For a statistically homogeneous and isotropic porous medium a stochastic model of longitudinal dispersion is determined, provided the fluid flow is steady and no mass transfer occurs between the solid phase and the fluid. This paper is a continuation of a previous one on the problem of longitudinal dispersion. Here a stochastic model is presented to describe longitudinal dispersion of a set of tagged particles released continuously (but not necessarily at uniform rate) in a flow through a porous structure. The model depends on two constant parameters λ1 and λ2, which in turn depend on the properties of the porous medium and hydraulic conditions. Finally, it should be emphasized that the model presented here is kinematic in the sense that it treats only the statistical properties of the law of motion of a tagged particle in a flow through a porous medium and does not go into particulars of dynamic conditions. Consequently, it does not explicitly contain parameters of the hydraulic forces leading to this motion.

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