
In addressing the challenge of streamflow prediction in ungauged basins, this study leveraged deep learning (DL) models, especially long short-term memory (LSTM) networks, to predict streamflow for pseudo ungauged basins in Japan. The motivation stems from the recognized limitations of traditional hydrological models in transferring their performance beyond the calibrated basins. Recent research suggests that DL models, especially those trained on multiple catchments, demonstrate improved predictive capabilities utilizing the concept of streamflow regionalization. However, the majority of these studies were confined to geographic regions within the United States. For this study, a total number of 211 catchments were delineated and investigated, distributed across all four primary islands of Japan (Kyushu - 32, Shikoku - 13, Honshu - 127, and Hokkaido - 39) encompassing a comprehensive sample of hydrological systems within the region. The catchments were obtained corresponding to the streamflow observation points and their combined area represented more than 43% of Japan's total land area, after accounting for overlaps. After cleaning and refining the streamflow dataset, the remaining catchments (198) were divided into training (~70%), validation (~20%), and holdout test (~10%) sets. A combination of dynamic (time-varying) and static (constant) variables were obtained on a daily basis corresponding to the daily streamflow data and provided to the models as input features. However, the final model accorded higher significance to dynamic features in comparison to the static ones. Although the models were trained on daily time steps, the results were aggregated to monthly timescale. The main evaluation metrics included the Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) and Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r). The final model achieved a median NSE of 0.96, 0.83, & 0.78, and a median correlation of 0.98, 0.92, & 0.91 corresponding to the training, validation, and test catchments, respectively. For the validation catchments, 90% exhibited NSE values greater than 0.50, and 97% demonstrated a correlation surpassing 0.70. Correspondingly, these proportions were observed at 77% and 91% for the test catchments. The results presented in this study demonstrate the feasibility and efficacy of developing a data-driven model for streamflow prediction in ungauged basins utilizing streamflow regionalization. The final model exhibits commendable performance, as evidenced by high NSE and correlation coefficients across the majority of the catchments. Importantly, the model's ability to generalize to unseen data is highlighted by its remarkable performance on the holdout test set, with only a few instances of lower NSE values (< 0.50) and correlation coefficients (< 0.70).

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