
The following discussion presents a status of the technology, market, industry, and economic viability of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) systems. The main focus is on the Open-Cycle OTEC (OC-OTEC) investigations being conducted primarily under the auspices of the Department of Energy (DOE) Ocean Energy Program (OEP). A summary of technology advances which have enhanced the economic prospects for both open- and closed-cycle OTEC are presented. Of key importance was the demonstration of the technical feasibility of using the OTEC flashevaporation of seawater process to produce fresh water. The production of such “by-products” as fresh water from the OTEC cycle significantly improves its cost effectiveness in producing electrical energy. A synopsis of planned activities which will culminate in a test facility designed to establish the technical feasibility of producing net power from the OC-OTEC system is presented. The facility will be used to conduct the Net Power-Producing Experiment (NPPE).

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