
ABSTRACT Medical imaging has significantly influenced the field of image processing in recent years. Several advancements have been made in medical imaging that is now being used, and all of them are geared at making disease diagnosis more accurate. Researchers recently explored how to diagnose, define, and classify bone fractures, and numerous approaches have been proposed. However, a uniform categorization has yet to be developed for all detected fractures. This article focuses on the methods for identifying realignments among the bone structures utilizing model-based approaches, and this methodology is highlighted here. The performance metrics are used to assess the findings, and the constructed model has shown substantial results in binary classification and multi-classification of bone fractures. The model that has been suggested is called the Finite Beta Gaussian Mixture Model (FBGMM), and its performance may be evaluated with the use of a confusion matrix. This project intends to construct an image processing system that can identify bone fractures promptly and reliably by including data from X-rays. FGBMM achieves good accuracy in both binary and multiclassification of fractures.

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